Italian Crepe Paper BULK

A LARGE box = 29.8 lbs of a variety of Crepe Paper purchased directly from Cartotecnica Rossi, Italy, 180g, 50

Italian Crepe Paper 588 Deep Burgundy

3x rolls of Crepe Paper purchased directly from Cartotecnica Rossi, Italy, 180g, 50 cm x 2,5 m, sealed in original

Real Size Paper Forget-Me-Nots

This delicate and beautiful spring flower is full of tiny florets and every single petal was hand-cut and assembled with

Crepe Paper Iris/Black Bearded Crepe paper Iris

Another one of my floral replicas, preserving the beautify of my garden flowers. The black bearded iris is an exact

Paper Lilac/ Spring Flower Replica

My most intricate and time consuming flower I’ve made so far. What a beautiful flower the lilac is! I’ve made